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MUNCIE, Ind.–A Muncie man who’s suing his parents for throwing out his collection of pornographic videos and magazines may have a case. Fox News Radio legal analyst Loretta Powers said she believes a judge may consider the case from the angle of abandoned property, and the court may have to comb through an embarassing list of porn titles.

“I would hate to be the one having to comb through that list because some of those titles included things like nuns, and were completely depraved,” said Powers.

The man, ID’d only by the name “Charlie”, went through a divorce and moved in with his parents in Michigan. When he got back on his feet and moved to Muncie, he asked his parents to return some of his stuff they still had. They informed him they had destroyed his porn for his own good and mental health.

Charlie is suing for more than $86,000, claiming the porn was worth $29,000.

“Honestly if you had me have to value that pornography collection as an attorney, I would wonder if it’s too late to go to med school. I would hate my job that much,” said Powers, pointing out that the court may want to inventory the collection, to see if some of the more vile titles would be illegal and okay to throw out, anyway.

She said Charlie is out for blood and is suing the parents for punitive damages, as well as the value of the collection. His argument is that it amounts to wanton destruction of property. Powers said she believes the parents will argue that they destroyed abandoned property, much as a landlord would after a tenant moves out.

“I don’t think a judge is just going to dismiss it. I think there are some valid issues here. And, some pornography is protected free speech.”

PHOTO: Chris Davis/Emmis