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Pop star Taylor Swift has been the subject of much internet speculation of late after her appearance at the 2019 Billboard Music Awards. Specifically, Americans would like to receive answers to the following questions at once:

  1. Why is Taylor Swift gaining weight?
  2. Actually, folks are mainly just asking about the first thing.

Swift says she’s been struggling with body image issues for several years and has finally learned to ‘stop hating every ounce of fat’ on her body.

In an essay for Elle’s April cover story called “30 Things I Learned Before Turning 30,” Swift wrote that she “worked hard to retrain my brain that a little extra weight means curves, shinier hair, and more energy.”

More energy and shinier hair? Bring on the cream-based soups, garçon!

We say “Bravo” to Taylor, because the poor girl has looked like a skeleton for the majority of her career.