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(INDIANAPOLIS) – Indiana’s trying to encourage more recycling by state employees.

The Indiana Government Center’s two buildings house most state agencies. There are already recycling bins for paper, cans and bottles, but next week, the state will install nearly 100 new ones, with bins for different kinds of trash side-by-side, with illustrated signs showing what goes where. 

Indiana Department of Administration Commissioner Lesley Crane says the easier it is to recycle, the more likely people are to do it.

On average, the U.S. recycles a third of its trash — Indiana only recycles about a fifth. Environmental Management commissioner Bruno Pigott says he’d like to raise that to 50{a19b272382e43567b93d81f78cecbca1de1bd20e733811fd76565cd2f1d1cf89}.

Indiana Recycling Coalition executive director Allyson Mitchell says the Government Center effort should have an impact beyond the Government Center, when state workers go home and recycle there. And she says the initiative sets a visible example for the rest of the state. 

(Photo: Eric Berman/WIBC)