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STATE WIDE — If you hunt deer, you’re being asked to donate your extra venison. Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry says they’ll pay for the processing, and the deer, or part of deer that you donate, can feed as many as 200 people.

“Last year we did over 50,000 lbs. of venison,” said Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry Executive Director Deb Treesh, a guest on Indiana Outdoors.

But, because the deer harvest was not as rich this season as usually is, fewer people have donated deer.

“I respect it and understand it. People have got to feed their families first. Usually they’ll get theirs and they’ll give the second one to us,” she said. “It’s the end of season. We still could pick some up here pretty soon.”

Treesh said the muzzle loader season and doe seasons are good chances for that.

“One deer is gonna feed about 200 people so, you’d be making a huge impact on families by donating that one deer.”

You can find out more about the organization by visiting their website

(Photo by Jay Morgan/Photolibrary/Getty.)