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STATE WIDE–Indiana has strong connections to the Martin Luther King holiday, and to the National Day of Service that happens on the same day. Barbara Stewart, CEO for the Corporation for National and Community Service, says you can honor King’s legacy by serving.

Rep. Katie Hall, of Indiana, wrote the bill that made Martin Luther King Day a federal holiday. It was signed in 1983 by Pres. Ronald Reagan and was first observed in 1986.

Twenty-five years ago, Congress also made it the National Day of Service.

“Indiana has a wonderful, long-standing legacy of service,” said Stewart. “As a fellow Midwesterner, I think there’s something about our Midwestern values that encourages individuals to be part of their community.”

Stewart said taking responsibility for your neighbors and your community is part of the day on, not day off, philosophy of the National Day of Service.

You may see people helping paint or repair houses or schools, fixing up playgrounds, or helping with community centers. 

Stewart said you can log on to, to find ways to volunteer.

More than one quarter of Hoosiers spend time volunteering. Indiana also hosts more than 1,000 AmeriCorps members and more than 5,000 SeniorCorps members. We are right in the middle, 25th out of 50 states, for community service and volunteering.