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People love a good cringe-worthy slip-up. For musicians, the big mess up is forgetting the words for the National Anthem on live television; for politicians it’s crickets when they expected a roaring standing ovation.

Today the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, had one of those “please clap” moments. Dr. Biden didn’t quite get the reaction she was looking for from the Reagan Institute Summit on Education crowd in D.C Thursday.

“I’ve visited red states and blue states and I’ve found that the common values that unite us are deeper than our divisions.”

**awkward silence**

 “I thought you might clap for that.”

Don’t worry, the crowd did comply then.

Nothing could ever compare; however, to the infamous Jeb Bush plea. Bush’s meme worthy moment happened back in 2016 during his campaign event where he says in defeat “please clap.”

In a weird way- let’s thank Dr. Jill for another contender in GREAT MOMENTS IN ‘PLEASE CLAP’ HISTORY!