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The media has been perpetuating the narrative of a new wave ‘culture war.’ Media along with the Left are pushing against bills, such as Florida’s  (as they dubbed) “Don’t Say Gay” bill in order to continue their grooming of young people. One example of this involves Pete Buttigieg’s husband, Chastin.

Chastin Buttigieg, was featured in Amazon Prime’s documentary “Mayor Pete” leading a group of young children in a pledge of allegiance to the LGBTQIA+ Pride Flag. The video shows Buttigieg replacing key words in The Pledge Allegiance of The United States of America with phrases such as “with affirmations and equal rights to all.”

Tony Katz says that if the Left want to discuss a culture war, we should be clear who is really doing what to culture.

“The culture war isn’t parents saying they don’t want to sexualize their child. The culture war is the people on the political left who want to sexualize the children.”

Katz adds that not only is this kind of grooming hurting the children, this hurts those who have worked for true equality and respect within the community.

“Gay people worked hard as hell for acceptance during the days of Stonewall, and ungrateful people like Chasten want to make it a cult.”