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It’s only January 3rd and 9 people have already been shot in the city of Indianapolis. There have been a total of 3 stabbings.

Total homicides for 2022: 3 (and counting). The first one occurred just hours after midnight on New Year’s Eve.

WIBC’s own Ethan Hatcher from “Saturday Nights on the Circle” witnessed a shooting just steps from his home Saturday morning.

Indianapolis finished 2021 within just 0.5% of Chicago’s homicide year-end stat per capita. Adjusted for population, the Circle City was just 5 total homicides less than Chicago’s 842 at 271, an increase of 59% since 2019.

“In the past 7 yrs Indy we have seen the highest level of violence in the history of the city,” Rev. Charles Harrison of Indy Ten Point Coalition wrote in a tweet Monday. “#Let‘sEndPublicSafetyCrisis #Let‘sEndCatch&Release #Let‘sPutMoreBootsOnTheGroud.”

WIBC’s Hammer and Nigel have more insight into Indy’s ongoing violence in the clip below.