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Creepy Joe brought a friend to his recent press conference Thursday, his not so distant cousin Confused Joe.

During a press conference Thursday President Biden discussed getting more Americans vaccinated, the delta variant, and the new CDC recommendations (kind of.)

He began his talk by clearing the air on where you don’t have to wear a mask.

“ In a significant part of the country, you wouldn’t have to take one of these off, you don’t have to put one on — like in my home state of Delaware, where I lived in New Castle County, where I was yesterday in Pennsylvania — because people got vaccinated.  They got vaccinated.  They don’t need a mask when the majority — the vast majority of people got vaccinated.”

After his remarks, he was asked by a reporter how long does he think people might have to wear a mask again?

“Well, if you notice, a lot of places, people don’t have to wear masks.  Let’s get that straight.  The places where people have gotten vaccinated, where we have a high vaccination rate, people do not have to wear a mask at all. Like some of you were with me yesterday when I was up in Lehigh Valley.  Didn’t have to wear a mask there.”  

Then he says the most Creepy Joe thing he could think of.

“Don’t have to mask if you come home to Delaware with me — I know you love doing that.  But you don’t have to wear a mask.”

He might has well winked after inviting us back to his place, but we digress. He then reiterates the idea that if the majority of a community is vaccinated, then masks aren’t necessary.

“The places people are probably going to have to wear masks: in those communities where the high rate of unvaccinated stays high and they don’t move — they don’t move to getting vaccinated.”

Remember how we talked about Confused Joe? That’s where the media comes in.

Many journalists, including CNN, has pointed out that this is not exactly what the CDC is recommending. In fact, they say it’s based more on case rate than vaccine rates.

Tony Katz adds that if anything the CDC is pushing families, especially children, to continue to wear masks regardless of status.

“The guidance from the CDC says children in school K-12, over the age of 2, indoors should wear a mask. It doesn’t say ‘oh except for Delaware.’”

In conclusion, the president doesn’t know what’s going on and the left are trying to bring back masks.

Have a good weekend everyone!