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Important News: The elite fact-checkers of all things crucially important to the well-being of the American public have determined after hours of exhaustive research that former President Donald Trump was NOT, in fact, wearing his trousers improperly at a rally in North Carolina last weekend.

According to professionals at the bastion of fact-checking integrity, Snopes: “No, Trump Did Not Wear His Pants Backwards.”

Further, Snopes noted that wire agency photos of Trump on the stage in Greenville, N.C., “clearly show the former president on stage wearing pants with a zipper in the front.”

The speculation regarding the President’s attire was spurred by the presence of an inordinate number of wrinkles lap region of Mr. Trump’s slacks.


Obviously, the mere suggestion that our former president is incapable of dressing himself properly is incredibly insulting. This is Donald Trump we’re talking about, not Joe Biden.

Please Note: A career in ‘Fact-Checking’ is not for everyone. This elite profession requires potential candidates to exhibit a keen sense of observation, an unquenchable thirst for truth, and a strong personal preference for the ‘programming’ of CNN.

Mock n’ Rob have more insight on this important story that captured an entire nation’s attention in the clip below.