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President Biden is keeping quiet for the moment on whether he supports legislation introduced by House and Senate Democrats that would expand the Supreme Court, but this silence is likely strategic rather than an indication that the Commander-in-Chief is in the midst of a nap.

According to Press Secretary Jen Psaki, the President is awaiting the findings of a bipartisan commission he created last week that will review a range of proposed reforms to the high court.

“Just last week, the president signed an executive order creating the bipartisan commission on the Supreme Court,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday.

“This is a bipartisan group of over 30 constitutional and legal experts who are examining a range of questions about proposed potential reforms to the Supreme Court,” Psaki said. “One of the issues they’ll look at is, of course, the size of the court, but also the court’s role in the constitutional system, the length of service, the turnover of justices, and they are going to come back to the president with a report on what their discussions and findings are.”

She added: “So he’s going to wait for that to play out and read the report.”

Uh-huh. In other news…